Digi International

Serial/ Console Server

Anewtech Systems RS-232/422/485 Serial Server Digi International Device Server Digi-Connect-ES Digi International Digi Connect ES 4SB, Digi Connect ES 8SB Serial Server
Digi Connect ES

Extended safety terminal server for serial over Ethernet applications

Anewtech-Systems Serial-Server Device-Server Digi-Connect-EZ-16-32 Digi International
Digi Connect EZ 16/32

16 or 32 serial RS-232 or RS-232/422/485 secure serial connectivity

Anewtech Systems RS-232/422/485 Serial Server Digi International Device Server Digi-Connect-IT-Mini Digi International Digi Connect IT Mini remote console access server IT01-M100-GLB Console Server
Digi Connect IT Mini

Secure, affordable, managed out-of-band access for isolated remote IT devices

Anewtech Systems RS-232/422/485 Serial Server Digi International Device Server Digi-Connect-IT-4
Digi Connect IT 4

Out-of-band management of network and server equipment with primary or backup LTE connectivity

Anewtech-Systems-Serial-Server-Device-Server-Digi-Connect-IT-16-48 Digi International Digi Connect IT 16, console access server with 16 serial ports IT16-1002, Digi Connect IT 48, console access server with 48 serial ports IT48-1002
Digi Connect IT 16/48

Centrally manage routers, firewalls, servers and other critical IT infrastructure over LTE

Anewtech Systems RS-232/422/485 Serial Server Digi International Device Server Digi Connect EZ Mini/2/4
Digi Connect EZ Mini/2/4

Secure serial connectivity that boots in seconds, configures in minutes, and runs for years

ConnectPort TS 8/16

8 and 16 port dual IPv4/IPv6 stack terminal servers provide 232 or 232/422/485 serial connectivity

PortServer TS P MEI

RS-232/422/485 Serial Server with Powered Serial and Ethernet Options

ConnectPort LTS 8/16/32

Advanced security serial servers supporting dual Gigabit Ethernet and IPv6 networks

Anewtech Systems RS-232/422/485 Serial Server Digi International Device Server PortServer-TS-MEI-Hardened PortServer TS 1 H MEI 70001917Digi International PortServer TS 4 H MEI 70001919 Serial Server PortServer TS 4 Hcc MEI 70002040
PortServer TS MEI Hardened

Hardened, Rugged Serial Servers for Outdoor Extended Temperatures

Anewtech Systems RS-232/422/485 Serial Server Digi International Device Server PortServer-TS-MEI Digi International PortServer TS 1 MEI 70001805, PortServer TS 2 MEI 70001806, PortServer TS 2 MEI 70001806, Serial Server
PortServer TS MEI

RS-232/422/485 Switch Selectable Expansion. 1, 2 or 4 serial ports

Anewtech Systems RS-232/422/485 Serial Server Digi International Device Server PortServer-TS-M-MEI Digi International PortServer TS 3 M MEI 70001899 Serial Server
PortServer TS M MEI

Serial Server with Internal Modem. with one v.90/v.92 modem port

Anewtech Systems 70002045 RS-232/422/485 Serial Server Digi International Device Server PortServer-TS Digi International PortServer TS 1, 70002041, PortServer TS 2, 70002043, PortServer TS 4, 70002045
PortServer TS

Easy Serial-to-Ethernet Connectivity. RS-232 RJ-45 Serial-to-Ethernet

Anewtech Systems RS-232/422/485 Serial Server Digi International Device Server Digi-One-SP-IA Digi International Digi One SP IA - 70001999Serial Server
Digi One SP IA

Ethernet Enable Any Industrial Device

Anewtech Systems RS-232/422/485 Serial Server Digi International Device Server Digi-One-SP Digi International Digi One SP - 70001851Serial Server
Digi One SP

1 switch selectable RS-232/422/485  Serial Server

Anewtech Systems RS-232/422/485 Serial Server Digi International Device Server Digi-One-IAP Digi International Digi One IAP 70001777 Serial Server Digi One IAP Haz 70002326
Digi One IAP

Industrial serial server and protocol bridge

Anewtech Systems RS-232/422/485 Serial Server Digi International Device Server Digi-One-IA
Digi One IA

Serial Server to Ethernet Enable Any Industrial Serial Device

Anewtech-Systems Serial-Server-Device-Server Digi-Connect-EZ-8 Digi International
Digi Connect EZ 8

Click-to-connect. 8 serial RS-232 or RS-232/422/485 secure serial connectivity

USB Connectivity


Switched USB Expansion Hubs. Industrial USB 2.0 or 3.1 hubs for instant USB expansion

Anewtech Systems Serial USB Connectivity Edgeport Digi InternationalEdgeport

USB-to-Serial Converter. Easy out-of-the-box solution for I/O expansion

Anewtech Systems Serial USB Connectivity Digi International AnywhereUSB-Plus
AnywhereUSB Plus

Connect USB peripheral devices on LAN without a locally-attached host computer. USB-over-IP

XBee Gateway

Digi XBee Industrial Gateway

Programmable gateway connects Digi XBee enabled devices to remote applications over Cellular or Ethernet

Digi XBee SX RF Modems

1-Watt industrial-grade 900 MHz RF modem with best-in-class range and power consumption

Digi XBee Gateway

Programmable Digi XBee to IP Gateway with Scalable Device Management

XBee-PRO 900HP RF Modems

900 MHz stand-alone RF modems provide outstanding range in a reliable wireless solution

ConnectPort X4

Rugged IoT Cellular Gateways designed for commercial grade and outdoor applications

ConnectPort X2

Industrial-Grade Programmable Digi XBee RF modules to Ethernet IP Gateway

Enterprise Cellular Extender

Anewtech Systems Industrial Cellular Router Enterprise Router Digi International Digi-EX12
Digi EX12

Avoid network outages with primary or backup LTE connectivity, integrate to existing infrastructure

Anewtech Systems Industrial Cellular Router Enterprise Router Digi International Digi-6350-SR
Digi 6350-SR

Versatile high-performance LTE router with a dedicated serial port and optional Wi-Fi

Anewtech Systems Industrial Cellular Router Enterprise Router Digi International Digi-6330-MX
Digi 6330-MX

High-performance LTE router with Gigabit Ethernet and optional Wi-Fi connectivity